I'm booking school visits for 2024 - 2025 and 2025 - 2026, as well as conferences (educator, writing, librarian, etc.) and presentations!
I'm able to teach small groups or present in front of a large group. My experience as a teacher and author lends itself to all sorts of presentations for all ages.
Ideas are below, but please contact me, so that we can discuss what you're looking for!
CHILDREN--45 minutes to an hour
* For Real with Nonfiction (most requested for elementary)
* Writing You Choose (middle grade fiction)
* Let's Get Graphic: Writing Graphic Novels
* Lying Without Being Grounded: Writing Fiction
* Get Real: Writing Realistic Fiction
* Get Out of Here! Writing Out-of-This World Fiction
* Wow! Bumpy! Gross! The Senses in Writing (small classes/groups)
* Creative Writing -- Three Main Genres
* In the Middle (middle grade fiction)
* Shadows and Sunshine: Grief Writing Workshop -- six hours at least
* Shadows and Sunlight: Grief Retreat -- three days
* Researching and Writing Children's Nonfiction (education market)--six hours or multi-
week class
* Writing Children's Fiction -- multi-week class
* Lying Without Being Sued: Writing Fiction -- hour class
* Wings and Writing: A USAF Thunderbirds Daughter -- hour presentation
Teaching Experience
* Teaching Artist at The Loft Literary Center, Minneapolis
* Private classes
* Educator with 25+ years of experience
* Licensed K-12 English as a Second or Multi-Language (ESL/ML) teacher
and 7-12 Language Arts (LA)
In-person rates:
$250 for a one-hour event or session presentation
$500 for keynote
$500/half day up to two sessions (mileage, lodging, and meals may be additional)
$1,000/day for up to four sessions (mileage, lodging, and meals may be additional)
Virtual rates:
$ 50 for a 30-minute or less read aloud with Q & A
$150 for a 60-minute presentation and a writing activity
Author Donna Janell Bowman created a terrific list of ways schools can help fund author visits, ranging from general grant sources to specific foundations and grants; check it out HERE!
"I liked it. It was cool. I thought it was going to be boring, but it was fun!"
--4th grader, school presentation For
Real with Nonfiction
"Lisa Bolt Simons was amazing. She had perfect classroom control and presence and got the students thinking outside of the box using their senses."
--adult comment at a Conference for
Young Writers, "Wow! Bumpy!
Gross! The Senses in Writing" session
"You're such a great presenter!"
--educator at a continuing ed
session about writing books